Hello, I’m GENNNN

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by – Robert Frost-


    Failed in committing to write daily. Wel, i guess it’s not easy to make something into a habit. Consistency and discipline is the formula. I shall set a reminder to do writing everyday at 935am in CPH time.

    Therefore we are starting back at day 1 again! Danish module 3 test happened yesterday. Felt like it was probably the test that I was least confident in till now. Not that I was not prepared, but the number of new words springing up is just way quicker than I can digest.

    Probably doing not so well or as what I have expected for interviews have taken a hit to my confidence level over the last 1-2 weeks. Still going on strong with my job applications, so wish me luck still!

    On the good news, we PASSED the test! Moving on to module 4 on Monday and hopefully we will be able to make it till the PD3 state exam in the following summer.

    Jeg er så glad for at modtage den email, som jeg har bestået fra modul 3. Det er den bedste nyhed idag!

    “Translation in english: I am so happy to receive the email that I have graduated from module 3. It is the best news today!”

  • 21-Day Essentialism Challenge

    1. Find a partner and read chapter 1 of Essentialism and invite them to do the 21-Day Challenge with you.
    2. Catch yourself one time saying the words: “I have to”. Replace with “I Choose to ….”
    3. Ask “What is the most important thing I can do today?”
    4. When the thought “I will do both” crosses your mind, stop, pause and pick one of the choices.
    5. Schedule a Personal Quarterly Off-Site to explore what is essential
    6. Start an essential journal. Write one sentence a day answering the question “What’s the most important thing that happened today?”
    7. Spend ten minutes playing a game with a child. Lose yourself in the magical exploration that comes so easily to children
    8. Take a 20 min nap
    9. One time today, when something is not a clear yes, make it a clear no
    10. Before going into your next meeting, pause and ask yourself, “What is the one thing I really want to achieve in this meeting?”
    11. Write out hot to say no gracefully
    12. Look at each commitment on your calendar for the week. Ask” If I werent already involved, how hard would I work to get involved now?”
    13. Use this new rule for one day: If you add a new activity, you need to edit out an existing activity to make space for it
    14. Next time anyone asks you to do something, pause and say, “Let me check my calendar and get back to you
    15. Add four 30 minute “appointments” on your calendar everyday for buffer: time set aside to handle the unexpected problems and opportunities that come your way
    16. When you face an obstacle today, instead of pushing harder against it, ask, “How can I remove this obstacle altogether?”
    17. Start a meeting with the question, “What has gone right since we last met?”
    18. Starting with a blank one-week calendar, design your Dream Routine: how you want to spend your time each week
    19. Pause once today and ask yourself, “What’s important now?”
    20. Schedule a Personal Quarterly Off-site to explore, talk, reflect, dream and plan
    21. Invite your team to read Essentialism as a book club

    writing this challenge down after i finally finished the book! 🙂 Decided to commit to this 21-day challenge! I will be able to live breathe and eat these values at the end of 21 days? Anyone who wanna join me on this?


    did a little bit of cleaning as a friend is coming by the house for a bit! I never had the chance to host but since moving to Denmark and having our own space, I am able to host friends and family in our little cosy apartment.

    Its a nice feeling to see a neater organization of things in the apartment but it is definitely a teamwork. I have learnt that it is important to build a routine or system to make execution easy. The routine will definitely of great help for me and also my husband since he is one who leaves things all around the house and have to search high and low for it. Maybe it’s a good idea to keep things neat and also continually create a routine and habit for him so that it’s easy for both of us at the end of the day.

    Its indeed not an easy task to have your own space, but I love the freedom that comes with it. Managing relationships is also not easy, but I like that we are both working together to find a better way to make it work. There is always something to gain when you look at things in a different perspective 🙂 Hope everyone would be able to take some time off and also rethink if a change of perspective would be able to help one see the situation or circumstance in a different light.

    Time is coming close to our module 3 test date and the grammer and also the listening is kinda making me anxious if i would be able to pass my test. BREATHE GEN BREATHE… practice and revise! that shall be my mantra for the next 7 days to come. Good luck to me and my husband!

    Let me manifest good thoughts: We will be advance to module 4 together 🙂

  • Hello September

    Where did the time go! We are only 3 more months to the end of the year! That also means winter and the short daylight is coming soon. Not so looking forward to that but definitely looking forward to the upcoming activities and plans we have in the winter!

    So glad to have met and made friends here. I thought I wouldnt be able to. But I did. I did many things here which I never thought I would have done in my life and I am so proud and thankful for myself for that. Of course, it would not have been possible without support and faith from my friends and family!

    And I love how I have the freedom to be able to whip up anything I want to eat as and when I like. Though I am not very diligent or fan of clean up and also doing the dishes!

    Yesterday dinner was one of the best korean spicy braised chicken I have made! Huge pat on my back. Shall learn to be more grateful and also celebrate my small wins going forward!

  • Essentialism

    Have been hooked on reading this book and love the mantra about how less is more! Decided to also try to make it a routine/habit to write something daily no matter how long or short I have to reflect for the day.

    Danish classes are getting more and more challenging and the test is coming up on the 13th September! Better start picking myself up and do some revision and practices! Should I watch all my favorite Pixar movies in Danish so I can get use to the grammar and language more?

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The sky is not completely dark at night. Were the sky absolutely dark, one would not be able to see the silhouette of an object against the sky.

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